Sunday, November 8, 2015

Motion Preview

1. Using a slower shutter speed captures movement the best. It requires very little movement for blur to be seen in the picture.

2. Two ways to create movement in a picture:

  • Slow Sync Flash
  • Panning

3. Shutter priority mode should be used because it allows you to choose your shutter speed and the camera chooses the other settings. This is important because it gives you the opportunity to capture the type of movement you want while not being worried about the other settings that may change the way the picture looks.

4. Primary methods to compensate for long shutter speeds when there is too much light:

  • Use a smaller aperture
  • Decrease the ISO
  • Use a Neutral Density Filter 
5. The best starting shutter speed range when you're attempting panning is between 1/60 and 1/15.

6. Center auto focus is important when trying panning because it makes sure you get clear pictures and it helps you track your subject when capturing photos.

7. You should use Continuous Drive mode when panning because it gives you a higher chance of capturing a good panning image.

8. "Al Servo" mode continuously focuses on the subject the closer or further away it gets. It helps create a clear photo even while the subject is moving.

9. An advantage of using "Al Servo" while capturing action/sports photography is that it will continuously refocus on the moving subject.

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